"A gathering of the guilds."
The Eleanor Rose Outdoor Quilt Show operates under the umbrella of the Harvest Sun Music & Art Society, and is held each year in the Arboretum Garden, in the village of Kelwood, MB. Our first year, 2014, we hung 26 quilts. in 2024 we hung 380 and we anticipate even more next year. We do not have a quilt guild here, but we have numerous arts enthusiasts and artistic endeavours happening in our community. The purpose of this show is to celebrate the history, the passion, and the dedication of quilters and their creations. All of the entries come from individuals, groups or guilds, representing many communities in Manitoba and beyond. There is nothing lovelier and more peaceful that I can think of than to see these colourful works all gently dancing in the breeze, in unison.
Kathy Levandoski, Founder, Director
Kathy Levandoski, Founder, Director